Tag: knowledge

  • Properties of lemongrass.

    Properties of lemongrass.

              Don’t think that lemongrass is only useful for cooking. Because in fact, lemongrass is rich in many vitamins and minerals. including vitamin A, vitamin C, and B vitamins. There are also folate, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, oh … so many vitamins. Next time you find in your food, don’t throw it away. It helps repel


              Lemongrass is also useful in repelling insects. Because there are essential oils both in the leaves and in the stems. These essential oils have the ability to repel insects as well. Therefore, it is not surprising that we will see soap products. There are many lemongrass-based insect repellents on the market. Anyone who likes the smell can try to use it.

    Detoxify toxins.

              For people who love health and like to detoxify the body often, you should not miss the lemongrass. Because it has the ability to detoxify your body by making you urinate more often. Because the chemicals help clean the digestive system such as the liver, pancreas, kidneys and bladder. Detoxify and uric acid from the body. Make your digestive system cleaner and work more efficientlyUFABET

    Help digestion

              Helps to make the digestive system work better. Because one study found that drinking lemongrass tea helps in digestion. Reduce stomach pain, cure cold, reduce intestinal cramps. And diarrhea It also helps prevent and reduce intestinal gas.

  • Benefits of Ginger.

    Benefits of Ginger.

     There are many benefits of ginger. But there are some things to be aware of as well. Which depends on how we use it. Let’s take a look at the information.

    + Reduce Flatulence

              If you feel bloated or indigestion, sipping ginger tea or eating fresh will make you feel better. Or if you get flatulence from eating nuts. Next time, try adding slices of nuts to a nut-based meal. That will help reduce flatulence as well. Because is a powerful herb can help expel the wind and stimulate the functioning of the intestines flatulence can be relieved

    + help relieve migraine symptoms

              The study found that Eating when a migraine attack is approaching Will help reduce the pain from migraines. Because ginger will help block the hormones associated with inflammation. There is also another study. It has also been shown that can help treat rheumatoid arthritis. It was found that people with symptoms of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis had reduced symptoms when consuming powdered daily UFABET

    + Helps prevent cancer

              Has properties that help fight cancer. Studies have shown that ginger helps kill cancer cells in the ovaries. Because contains natural chemicals that stimulate the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase. which is an antioxidant. So it can help prevent cancer. Ginger supplements have also been found to help reduce inflammation in the colon as well as

    + Relieve nausea.

              Can relieve nausea. In Asia, ginger is often used to help alleviate motion sickness or seasickness. In addition, several studies have shown that ginger can help prevent and alleviate vomiting after surgery. And also helps relieve nausea and vomiting in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

  • Benefits of almonds.

    Benefits of almonds.

    The properties of almonds are abundant. Not just snacks to enjoy. But also healthy food that can help burn fat. It’s good to take care of the heart.

    Almonds, snacks that are good for the heart

              Almonds are known as a healthy food. Because there are many vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber packed in small tablets. Plus essential fatty acids that help increase good cholesterol levels (HDL) in the body. Thus qualifying to reduce the risk of heart disease. Including anti-oxidants UFABET

    Which can cause various diseases

              It also has antioxidants. Zinc and Vitamin E which has properties in helping to slow down macular degeneration. It is said that just 1 handful of almonds can get up to 50% of the amount of vitamin E you should get per day.

    Help burn fat.

              Both protein, fiber, vitamins and good fats in almonds. It will help replenish energy and help drive the body’s metabolic system to work at full capacity. burn fat smoothly Especially for people who want to build muscle or want a lean body, chewing almond protein is a good helper for you, oh

              ! But if it’s good, you should limit the amount of almonds to no more than 14 tablets per 1 serving because this amount will give us about 98 kilocalories of energy.

  • Eating just one orange a day.

    Eating just one orange a day.

    The benefits of orange We know that oranges are fruits that contain vitamin C is quite high. Helps to strengthen the immune system so that we do not get sick easily. But recent research has found that. Just eating 1 orange per day regularly is less likely to suffer from macular degeneration than those who rarely eat half of oranges. Let’s see how oranges help nourish eyesight.

              Institute conducted a research with 2,856 volunteers aged 49 years and older. Divided 2,037 volunteers into a 15-year follow-up group to study the risk of retinal disease. Optic nerve deterioration and eating whether it is related or not. UFABET  The volunteer group 2 must eat at least 1 orange on a daily basis.

              And from the research results, it was found that. The group of volunteers who ate oranges every day were 60% less likely to develop macular degeneration compared to the volunteers. Who did not eat oranges every day like the first group. The researchers assumed that The antioxidants called flavonoids in oranges may play an important role in the prevention of macular degeneration.

              In addition, one orange is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E. Which is a good eye nourishment. Therefore, eating only 1 orange per day will allow the body to receive antioxidants and vitamins to nourish the eyes as mentioned above. Helps us reduce the risk of retinal disease. Then go find an orange to eat better.