How can we adjust the metabolism and balance hormones? In addition to having to exercise regularly. This is partly because they know how to maintain the correct metabolism.
Today, these world-class celebs follow the guidelines of American nutrition advisor Haylee Pomroy. Owner of the best-selling book.
Know your metabolism before starting the program.
Most people know Metabolic system affects metabolism and converts food into energy. Which affects body weight Haylee explains that It is correct to understand. But there are still some important elements. Therefore, to provide the program’s practitioners to have a basic understanding.
About the correct functioning of the metabolic system She then used the following four Q&A issues to lay the foundation for the 4-week program.
Hayley stated that These were some of the questions she frequently asked while giving metabolic rehabilitation counseling to people who came to see her at a Los Angeles clinic, USA. Will be presented to those who are interested in getting started in this program acknowledge as follows.

Adjust the metabolism is eating less and lose weight?
Haylee explains that This issue is considered a popular issue. When she reaches her 40+, many overweight people come to consult her because they do both diet not more than 1,200 – 1,400 calories a day and exercise 5 to 7 days a week, but they still haven’t lost their weight. target
She further clarified that As the age increases, the metabolism decreases. Energy consumption will also decrease as well. Even if what was eaten was fruits and vegetables But when there is an excess of energy The body will carry excess energy stored in the form of fat anyway.
The best way is to eat all three meals, eat on time, reduce stress, get enough rest, these four behaviors contribute to the normal functioning of the metabolism, but if the diet is stressed and sleep deprived. The metabolic rate decreases and the fat accumulation in the body becomes noticeable. Especially in the case of increased waist circumference It is a sign of metabolic syndrome or metabolic syndrome.

Is it true? Diet can help control weight.
In general, a diet is a fixed form of food. They mainly aim to lose weight. And often repeats the original pattern, explains Hayley. Eating food with this kind of food can make people who eat it.
Repeatedly following a diet program can be stressful. Which is another factor causing metabolic system malfunctions.
She continued to explain. In terms of nutrition, eating a variety of foods is the healthiest.
Because it gets complete nutrients, vitamins, minerals If possible, choose fresh, clean, seasonal ingredients that produce organic farming methods. Free from toxic contamination It is even better if growing vegetables and fruits. Raising animals to produce their own products for household consumption
Finally, pay attention and be careful with making and eating every meal. Will make every
step happier.
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