I would like to answer briefly that you should eat “eggs”
Eggs are rich in nutrients and high in protein. It has been researched that eating eggs for breakfast can reduce calories by up to 36 hours and lead to even more weight loss and fat loss.
However, meat, fish, seafood, poultry and dairy products. It is also a very good source of protein. And from now on is Example of a high protein breakfast menu To help your friends lose weight.

- Scrambled eggs : Add vegetables, use coconut oil or olive oil for cooking.
- Omelette : Use cottage cheese, spinach.
- Pan-fried tofu : paired with non-dairy kale and cheese
- ufabet Greek yogurt: served with wheat germ, seeds, berries.
- Protein Shake : 1 scoop of protein, with banana, berries, and almond milk (which at the moment the most popular breakfast is a protein shake).

If we make breakfast I have to do that with high protein.
Breakfast protein should have 18-41% calories and at least 20 grams of protein.