Natural formula for “white skin” with the weather in our house fluctuating all the time. Some days it is sunny, where dust and pollution around us will affect the internal organs and body. What is equally affected is our skin itself.
Our white skin is dull. Caused by exposure to sunlight And pollution for a long time As a result, our skin is dull and dry. Due to the large accumulation of dead skin cells, many people get severe symptoms. Body skin tone is not the same, especially around the neck, body and face.
To prevent this problem You can clean and exfoliate regularly. With masks and scrubs To mask the skin. In addition to helping to get rid of dirt. It also makes the skin white, moisturized and looks healthier.
The way to see good results without having to rely on chemicals Or wasted on expensive face masks Is to make exfoliating masks from raw materials that are easy to find in our own home, both fast, good and the best value.Today, Activ Story introduces fruits, vegetables and natural raw materials. That have properties that help nourish the skin Let you feel the white skin And smooth From the first use.
Natural helper for white skin
Yogurt is considered a dairy product. That has many benefits to the skin. Lactic acid is abundant in yogurt. Can exfoliate dead skin cells Using yogurt to exfoliate in addition to helping your skin look radiant. And prevent acne on the face, and lactic acid also helps slow down wrinkles. Relieves sunburn And slow down the change in skin tone when exposed to the sun for a long time as well

As we are familiar That cucumber provides cooling and moisture to the skin well. Cool cucumber Helps to heal the skin that has been hit with a sunburn Natural wound healing In addition, vitamin K, vitamin C, manganese and beta carotene. In cucumber also helps slow down the skin aging. And helps the skin glow from the inside. In addition, the collagen found in cucumber. It also makes the skin firm, firm and helps keep the skin tone even. It is known as a real vegetable for skin health.
Honey helps to moisturize the skin well, not allergic to cucumbers at all. It also has many benefits to the skin. Helps to get rid of impurities in the skin. Which is the cause of acne Antioxidants in honey It also helps to strengthen the skin and moisture. Help slow down aging And make the skin smooth and clear, honey has the ability to exfoliate the skin. Helps fade scars, darken skin, fade and make skin tone even.

Aloe vera
Aloe vera Known for reducing hyperpigmentation. And adjust the skin color regularly It also responds to those who want to whiten their skin without relying on chemicals. Because it can exfoliate the skin To safely remove dead skin cells And as we all know, the clear gel in Aloe Vera. It is the best skin moisturizer. That makes the skin moist And whiten quickly.It can also keep the skin from being exposed to the sun for a long time. If we use aloe vera immediately after exposure to the sun. Will help restore skin that has been damaged by UVA and UVB rays Which is one of the causes of skin cancer
If you talk about your skin and don’t talk about it, tomatoes probably won’t. Because vitamin A In tomato helps exfoliate the skin, making it white and glowing. And the antioxidants in tomatoes will work with B vitamins. To help reduce fade Wrinkles, premature aging It also contains vitamin C. That increases collagen production and tightens the skin, reduces oiliness, which is the cause of acne and blemishes, and potassium and lycopene can also help lock moisture on the skin. Help your skin shine. And protect the skin from UV rays as well

Tamarind pulp contains alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), which has direct exfoliation properties. And also help get rid of clogged pores Reduce the cause of acne Makes the skin smoother It can also slow down the wrinkles on the skin. It is also filled with Antioxidants such as flavonoids, vitamin C and vitamin A can soothe irritated skin. And inflammation of the skin from pollution, including the ability to adjust the skin color. Reduce dark spots And dullness from sunlight.
Orange is a type of fruit. Outstanding in exfoliation The aroma of orange not only refreshing But also the answer to many skin problems As a source of vitamin C Helps to whiten the skin naturally. It also contains vitamin A. Help increase blood flow to the skin Makes skin look bright and firm. Contains vitamin E that protects the skin from UV damage. Moreover, orange peel is also used to cleanse to help tone the skin. And add clarity as well.
Turmeric’s natural yellow pigment Gives the skin a glow Especially people with white or yellow skin, because turmeric stimulates the production of melanin. Or skin pigment Helps to adjust uneven skin tone. And helps maintain skin tone, also has properties that help reduce dark spots Acne scars And contains many antioxidants that are good for skin health.
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