Red Curry with Bitter Gourd and Fresh Shrimp. Its unique taste food, a little bit bitter taste helps appetite. Delicious, easy curry dishes Let’s look at the ingredients and how to make them.

ingredient Red Curry with Bitter Gourd and Fresh Shrimp
1 cup thinly sliced Chinese bitter gourd,
200g medium fresh shrimp, peeled and cut after,
3 tablespoons red curry paste, 3 tablespoons
fish sauce, 2 tablespoons
palm sugar,
1/2 cup water, 2 cups
coconut milk, 2 to
3 kaffir lime leaves
vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
red and yellow chilies, sliced ricochet, 1 each
How to do it
- Blanch bitter gourd in boiling water until done. Immediately scoop it up in cold water. Then send it to drain and set aside
- Stir-fry red curry paste with oil until fragrant. Add shrimp and stir until cooked.
- Add coconut milk and season with fish sauce and palm sugar.
- Put the gourd that has been blanched. Followed by kaffir lime leaves and chili When it boils, remove it from the heat and scoop it into a serving bowl.