Tag: Health

  • When exposed to strong sunlight, what are some ways to prevent sunburn?

    When exposed to strong sunlight, what are some ways to prevent sunburn?

    When exposed to strong sunlight, what are some ways to prevent sunburn?

    What the signs and symptoms of a sunburn?

    Your signs and symptoms may appear while you are under the UV rays. They may also appear a few hours after your exposure. Your symptoms may become worse 12 to 24 hours later. You may have any of the following:

    • Red skin
    • Pain or a burning feeling
    • Swelling, and a feeling of tightness
    • Blisters
    • Itchiness
    • Peeling and flaking

    When we are exposed to strong sunlight, we should have proper skin protection methods to protect our skin from UV rays in sunlight. We can do the following:

    • Apply sunscreen. Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and a PA+++ or higher. Apply it all over the skin that will be exposed to sunlight.
    • Wear clothing that covers your skin, such as https://ufabet999.app long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and a wide-brimmed hat to protect your skin from direct sunlight.
    • Wear sunglasses, choosing sunglasses with lenses that can block 100% of UV rays.
    • Avoid being in the sun during the hottest hours, especially between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
    • Stay in a cool place. If you have to be in the sun for a long time, find a shady place to rest at intervals.

    Self-care for sunburn

    • Avoid further exposure to sunlight to prevent worsening of sunburn.
    • Avoid peeling, picking, or scratching as this can damage the skin and cause infection.
    • Take a cool shower or apply a cold compress to reduce the burning sensation and pain.
    • Use a moisturizing skin care product, such as aloe vera lotion or gel, to help hydrate your skin and reduce irritation.
    • Apply sunscreen regularly, even on sunny days, to protect your skin from UV rays.
    • Use products that help restore sunburn, such as moisturizers, creams, or serums that contain aloe vera, vitamin E, or calamine.
    • Drink enough water to help hydrate your skin from the inside out and prevent dehydration.

    How is a sunburn diagnosed?

    Your healthcare provider will ask about your signs and symptoms and examine you. He or she may ask how often and how long you stay under the sun or inside tanning beds. Your provider may also ask if you wear sunscreen or clothing to protect your skin. He or she may ask if anyone in your family sunburns easily or if anyone has a history of skin cancer. Tell your provider if you are taking any medicines, or have any other health conditions.

  • Get to know “Anthrax”, a bacillus anthracis bacteria that spreads from animals to humans.

    Get to know “Anthrax”, a bacillus anthracis bacteria that spreads from animals to humans.

    Get to know “Anthrax”, a bacillus anthracis bacteria that spreads from animals to humans.

    Anthrax disease 

    What the locals call it, is called Kali disease. It is a disease known since ancient times. Anthrax is considered an important epidemic in the Animal Epidemics Act of 1956. It is a highly dangerous contagious disease that can occur in almost all grass-eating animals, including wild animals ยูฟ่าเบท such as elephants, barking deer, deer, and pets such as cattle. buffalo, goats, sheep and then infects people and other animals such as tigers, dogs, cats, pigs. The disease usually occurs in areas where there is a history of this disease spreading before.

                      But now because transportation is convenient and fast Animal traders often bring in sick animals. or animals that are in the incubation period of the disease to be sold in other localities This can cause the spread of the disease over far distances. This virus causes 3 types of disease in people: on the skin in the lungs from inhalation in the gastrointestinal tract and oro-pharynx from ingesting this infection


                      This disease is caused by bacteria. The scientific name is Bacillus anthracis. It is an aerobic, non-motile, spore-forming rod (1-1.25 ? 3-5 nm) in the Bacillaceae family. When a sample of the patient is stained with Gram stain, square- large solitary ended gram-positive rods Or join together to form short chains. When in a dry place and the weather is not suitable, it will create spores covering the cell. It is very durable in both heat and cold. And disinfectants can exist in nature for decades.

    Contact method

                      In most people, it is transmitt through the skin through contact with sick animals. or contact with animal products obtained from sick animals People with this disease are more common in those with agricultural occupations. In addition, these include Butchers, veterinarians, or people close to sick animals Diseases spread to people due to ignorance. or lack of caution Or maybe because of poverty. When an animal dies, the meat is cut up for consumption. However, the highest incidence of disease almost always occurs in animals first. Then people get infected.

    • Cutaneous anthrax is caused by germs entering the skin around abrasions or cuts.
    • Respiratory anthrax is caused by inhalation of spores attached to fur ship from the endemic area. Respiratory anthrax has not been reported in Thailand.
    • Anthrax of the gastrointestinal tract and oropharyngeal. It is caused by eating meat that is sick and dies from this disease. and not cooked enough Most animals contract the disease from eating and breathing. The spores were obtained in pastures. Where animals had died from the disease before, but in the early days of the outbreak. (Late summer to the beginning of the rainy season) Animals contract the disease from eating and from breathing at the same time. This occurs when animals graze on grass and they pull up the roots that are stuck to the ground. Anthrax spores that stick to grass blades and in the soil enter through the mouth and fly away in dust. While pulling the grass, the spores enter the nose through inhalation.
  • Foods to reduce muscle pain Helps reduce office syndrome symptoms

    Foods to reduce muscle pain Helps reduce office syndrome symptoms

    Foods to reduce muscle pain Helps reduce office syndrome symptoms.

    muscle pain Can happen to anyone Especially people who use their bodies heavily, such as people who exercise or those who have to sit or stand for long periods of time. Recommended foods to help reduce muscle pain and reduce inflammation. With natural food sources, suitable for people with office syndrome. Can help reduce inflammation.

    You did not wake up today to be mediocre

    5 food sources to reduce muscle pain

    1. Peas, almonds, black beans, spinach

                         It is considered a food high in magnesium and omega-3, which can help repair muscles. Reduce pain and inflammation in the muscles.

    2. Coconut water

                         High in potassium Which potassium is very necessary for muscles. Because it can help prevent cramps and help with muscle aches after exercise.

    3. Ginger

                         There is a substance called curcumin which has properties similar to anti-inflammatory drugs. It can help reduce sore muscles after heavy exercise.

    4. Strawberry

                         Helps the body receive antioxidants. and can help reduce inflammation that occurs

    5. Salmon

                         Salmon meat has protein, omega 3 and antioxidants. All the nutrients in fish are considered to play a huge role in helping reduce muscle pain. Helps prevent pain It also helps restore and repair muscles that are worn out from use.

                         You should eat food from all 5 food groups สมัคร ufabet It is important to improve, change, and correct various postures in your daily life to be correct and appropriate. Change postures often to make muscles Got to relax a bit.

    How to reduce muscle soreness after exercise

    When you try a new exercise, lift heavier weights or run steeper hills, your muscles experience strain and micro-tearing at the cellular level, which can cause them to become sore.

    Thankfully, there are ways to prevent and treat muscle soreness. Foam rolling, stretching and eating foods with anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce pain, alleviate discomfort and get you back to your favorite exercise.

    Make sure to stretch

    Stretching is an important recovery step in reducing muscle soreness and preventing injuries. Muscles can’t react to changes in exercise or intensity effectively when they are tight, but stretching before you work out can help muscles move more effectively.

    Static stretching, or holding a stretch without movement, can done before exercise, but is most important after activity.

    Kinetic stretching, or warming up muscles with movement, is also beneficial. Your muscles will get the most benefit when you combine kinetic stretching with static stretching.

  • Sleep is a matter close to you that should not overlook

    Sleep is a matter close to you that should not overlook

    Sleep is a matter close to you that should not overlook.

    Sleeping is an important routine for maintaining health. The same goes for eating well and exercising. Data from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that one in three adults in the United States sleeps less than 7 hours. On the occasion of World Sleep Day, we would like to give two reasons. That we should give importance to sleep Let’s tell everyone.

    “Quality sleep There’s more to it than just timing.”

    1. Duration Duration)

    Quality should include adequate duration. Feel refreshed the next day. The appropriate length of sleep varies according to age. Adults should get 7 – 9 hours every night.

    2. Continuity (Continuity)

    Starting from the time you go to bed until you fall asleep until you wake up. Quality sleep must be continuous. Do not wake up during for more than 20 minutes and have good overall efficiency (Sleep Efficiency, SE) to enter the deeper sleep process better.

    3. Depth

    During this period, the frequency of brain waves drops into the delta wave range (Delta Waves), which are the slowest brain waves. The frequency is approximately 0.5-4 cycles per second. This is the time when the body will secrete growth hormone (Growth Hormone) or hormone that slows aging. that helps restore and strengthen the body’s functions.

    Sleep is the foundation of good health.

    1. Helps with brain health

    Sleep plays an important role in removing waste from the brain. Because the brain does not have a lymphatic system (Lymphatic System), the brain eliminates waste through the brain cleansing process (Glymphatic System). This process must be done during and will be most effective during deep sleep (Deep non -REM Sleep) because during this period the cells in the brain shrink by 60%, creating space for cleansing. An important waste product that is eliminated from the brain is ß-amyloid, a type of protein. which is the main component of Amyloid Plaque, a major cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

    2. Promote memory and learning

    deep sleep It is important to the learning process (Cognitive Function) including memory (Memory), language (Language) to the expression of behavior (Behavior) and emotions (Mood). Helps organize memories in the brain better Link old and new memories together. If you’re sleep-deprived, your ability to learn is reduced by as much as 40%. patterns change with age. When people are over 60 years old, they will lose more than 70% of their deep compared to people aged 18-25 years. This is the reason why Why do elderly people have memory problems?

    3. Helps the functioning of the immune system

    during sleep The body secretes proteins that are related to the specific immune system (Adaptive Immunity) to fight various pathogens. The same is true for recording memories in the brain. ufabet https://ufabet999.app helps the immune system recognize and recognize foreign substances. And if you less than 4 hours, the work of natural killer cells or Natural Killer Cells (NK Cells) will decrease by as much as 72%, including the creation of antibodies (Antibodies), which have properties to fight against foreign substances. also decreased When sleeping less than 4 hours

    4. Reduce the risk of obesity

    People who sleep less than 5 hours have a 1.55 times greater risk of obesity due to the hormone leptin. or hormones that make you feel full are reduced On the contrary ghrelin hormone (hormone that stimulates hunger) and the hormone cortisol (Stress hormones) increase, stimulating those who don’t get enough to have more appetite. Those who slept less than 4 hours tended to eat an additional 300 kilocalories per day.

    5. Reduce the risk of various chronic non-communicable diseases.

    In addition to the increased risk of obesity, If you less than 4 hours, there will be an increase in various inflammatory substances in the body such as TNF-alpha, IL-6, etc., which are the cause of chronic non-communicable diseases. (Non-communicable diseases or NCDs) People. Who less than 5 hours have a 1.48 times increased risk of diabetes, 1.32 times higher blood pressure, and 1.37 times higher risk of heart disease, as well as sleeping less than 7 hours increases the risk. Stomach cancer 2.22 times, pancreatic cancer 2.18 times, esophageal cancer 1.63 times due to decreased NK-cell function, which has an important role in resisting cancer.