Category: Beauty & Health

Good beauty starts from ourselves. Turned to pay attention to physical and mental health, physical condition is beauty. Update Beauty & Health news here.

  • “Anxiety” has become a common mental health problem

    “Anxiety” has become a common mental health problem

    Anxiety” has become a common mental health problem in today’s society because people these days have to deal with stress

    What is overeating?

    Overeating refers to consuming more calories than what the body requires for fuel. It can manifest in a number of ways, including:13

    • Eating when not hungry
    • Eating beyond the point of feeling full
    • Eating more quickly than normal

    Everyone overeats occasionally. Certain holidays and events, specifically, tend to revolve around food and the idea of feasting.

    But some people struggle with chronic overeating. In these cases, the behavior is often driven not by external celebrations but by internal feelings and mental health conditions and concerns. 

    Overeating vs. binge eating

    While closely related to binge eating, overeating refers more to the broader experience of eating beyond the body’s need for food. Binge eating is generally more episodic.

    When described as part of binge eating disorder (BED) or bulimia nervosa (BN). Binge เล่น UFABET ผ่านมือถือ สะดวกทุกที่ ทุกเวลา eating is thought of as the consumption that takes place during a certain period of time, usually defined as within a two-hour window.

    On the other hand, there are no time limits involved in measuring overeating, nor is the term defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

    Fatty fish

         Fish rich in good fats, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines and trout high in omega-3. A type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that the body cannot produce on its own. So it must be obtained from food. Omega-3 plays an important role in brain function, reduces inflammation in the body and is related to mood adjustment, reducing anxiety and depression.

    It is recommend to eat these fish 2 times a week. Not only will it help nourish the brain and reduce feelings of anxiety. But these fish with good fats also have health benefits.


         It is well known that “eggs” good source of food. Rich in vitamin D and high in protein. They contain all the essential amino acids that the body needs for growth. But most importantly, eggs also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps create “serotonin” or a chemical neurotransmitter found in the brain, intestines, and platelets.

    This substance helps stabilize mood, helps you sleep well, and importantly, it also helps reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Risk factors for gallstone formation

    Risk factors for gallstone formation

    Risk factors for gallstone formation

    • Genetics from family members
    • Being overweight also leads to high cholesterol levels.
    • Gender and age, because most gallstones occur in women and the elderly.
    • Caused by other diseases or behaviors that affect the contraction of gallstones, such as diabetes or excessive weight loss, etc.
    • Use of medications that increase cholesterol levels, such as birth control pills or cholesterol-lowering medications.

    Gallstone symptoms

    Usually, there are no serious symptoms. Patients can find out about stones during a health checkup and can observe the following symptoms:

    • There is pain in the body, such as the abdomen, shoulders, back, etc.
    • Have nausea and vomiting
    • It has a noticeable effect on the digestive system, such as flatulence , bloating, and feeling full after eating.

    The pain mentioned above will be temporary up to hours. If there are other complications, you should see a doctor immediately, such as yellow skin, chills, severe abdominal pain, etc.

    Complications from kidney stones

    If gallstones are left untreated or not treated properly, they can lead to the following diseases:


    Gallstones form in the gallbladder, causing fever, yellow eyes, yellow skin , and severe abdominal pain.


    Severe abdominal pain occurs because the gallstone has moved and blocked the pancreatic duct.

    Bile duct cancer 

    Although it is very rare, this disease is more common in people who have had gallstones in the past.

    Bloodstream infection 

    If the gallbladder or bile duct and pancreas have problems, it will result in a risk of bloodstream infection.

    Diagnosis of gallstones

    • Ask about the patient’s medical history and perform a physical examination.
    • Upper abdominal ultrasound
    • Blood test to check liver function
    • Laparoscopic surgery
    • If the bile duct is blocked, the doctor will use a needle to insert it through the liver into the bile duct. 

    Gallstone treatment

    • Treatment of gallstones for patients without symptoms: There is no treatment. You just need to have regular check-ups to make sure the stones do not cause any harm to your body. 
    • Treatment for most symptomatic cases involves surgery to prevent complications. 

    Gallstone prevention

    • Eat meals on time. Do not skip meals or skip meals. Avoid foods that are high in fat and low in fiber.
    • Keep your weight within normal limits and exercise regularly to build immunity.
    • For those who want to lose weight, they should not lose weight too quickly because it will increase triglycerides in the blood.

    Medical technology

    Laparoscopic surgery 

    At present, in the medical สนใจสมัคร? คลิกที่นี่เพื่อเริ่มต้น field, there has been development in the matter of surgery to be more efficient and less painful. Petcharavej Hospital sees the importance of this point. We therefore introduce “endoscopic surgery” to be used in surgery with an operating room of international standards from Hospital Accreditation (HA). This form of surgery is a small incision and is performed using an advanced camera (Advance Minimally). It is also more economical, less painful, and allows for faster recovery than open surgery.

  • How are allergies and the flu similar or different?

    How are allergies and the flu similar or different?

    How are allergies and the flu similar or different?

    When having a huff, a stuffy nose, or a runny nose, many people confuse about whether they have a cold or 
    an allergy. This is because the general symptoms of these two diseases are very similar.

    What is air allergy?

    Colds are caused by a viral infection of the respiratory system, while allergies are caused by the mucous membranes in the nasal cavity, ears, eyes, or throat responding abnormally to ยูฟ่าเบท an allergen, causing the body to stimulate the immune system to eliminate the allergen. 

    There are two main groups of causes that cause this disease:

    1. Genetics:
    If someone in your family has a history of allergic diseases such as asthma, atopic dermatitis, or allergic rhinitis, you will have a higher risk of developing allergic rhinitis.

    2. Environment

    •  Living in an environment with high levels of air pollution,  such as pungent odors, black smoke, vehicle exhaust, or chemicals, can make the body more sensitive to allergens and increase the risk of developing allergic rhinitis. 
    •   Exposure to household allergens since childhood increases the risk of developing air allergies later in life. Common household allergens include dust mites, pet dander, wool, cockroaches, plant pollens, fungi, and mold. 

    Similarities and differences between allergies and colds 

    Similar symptoms 

    •   Stuffy nose, blocked nose, difficulty breathing
    •   sneeze
    •   Runny nose
    •   cough

    Different symptoms

    In addition to having the same symptoms as the flu as mentioned above, you may also experience these additional symptoms:

    •   Itchy nose
    •   Itchy eyes, tears streaming down my face
    •   Tinnitus
    •   Frequent nosebleeds
    •   Symptoms can flare up rapidly if exposed to an allergen.
    •   There may be an itchy rash on the body.
    •   Symptoms usually last longer than 14 days.

    Symptoms that are often found in people with colds but are rarely found in allergic rhinitis include: 

    •   Fever greater than 37.5 °C
    •   sore throat
    •   Muscle pain
    •   It lasts for about 3-10 days.

  • If you see a blister beetle, don’t touch it! You may get poisoned!

    If you see a blister beetle, don’t touch it! You may get poisoned!

    If you see a blister beetle, don’t touch it! You may get poisoned!

    With Thailand’s hot and humid climate, it’s not surprising to find various insects hiding in our homes. Some may not cause any serious harm, while others are poisonous. 

    In particular, rove beetles, if you accidentally touch them, can cause blisters, similar to herpes or shingles, and leave dark marks on your face for months. 

    Would like to invite you to learn about this type of insect, along with the correct way to deal with it, with good health information from Dr. Suthida Siripornphanit, a pediatrician specializing in pediatric skin.

    What is a rove beetle?

    Also known as the rove beetle or rove beetle, it is about 7-8 mm in size. The head and tail are black. The body and abdomen are segmented and orange, with the tail pointing up slightly.

    This rove beetle is often found during the rainy season. It likes to fly into people’s houses to catch the light before hiding on the floors of houses and furniture. 

    Dangers from rove beetles

    Normally, this insect does not bite people, but its body contains an acidic poison called “Pederin”, which can be poisoned immediately if touched.

    The dangers of the poison “Pederin” from rove beetles

    • A rash, blisters, and burning sensation occur 8-12 hours after contact with the poison.
    • The rash in the early stages after poisoning looks like a burn, long and with clear borders.  
    • Within 2-3 days, blisters or pus may develop, similar to herpes or shingles.
    • If the poison gets into your eyes, it can cause blindness.
    • If you have a severe allergic reaction, you may also experience fever, nausea, vomiting, and headache.

    Self-care when stung by a blister beetle

    • Immediately wash the affected area with สมัคร ufabet soapy water or saline solution.
    • You may also apply a cold compress to the affected area.
    • You should see a doctor if you have a severe allergic reaction or if you have severe dark spots. You can take medication to help relieve the symptoms.

    How to prevent blister beetles from bothering you

    • Close windows and doors tightly and close screens to prevent rove beetles from flying into the light bulbs.
    • Clean the house and check the sofa, mattress, and other furniture regularly to make sure there are no rove beetles hiding there.
    • If you find this type of insect, do not touch, brush, or crush it. Instead, blow it or use tools such as tissue paper or a broom to shake the insect away. This is the safest method.
  • 3 popular diseases that cause itchy eyes. Get treatment quickly

    3 popular diseases that cause itchy eyes. Get treatment quickly

    3 popular diseases that cause itchy eyes. Get treatment quickly before it becomes dangerous!

    Eyes are important organs that help us see the world clearly. However, if you have often or have eye irritation regularly, you may feel uncomfortable, afraid that you are at risk of dangerous diseases or may lose your vision in the future. 

    Is it dangerous if your eyes are itchy?  

    In fact, itchy eyes can be caused by many things. Most of them โปรโมชั่น ufabet are not caused by serious diseases. If you receive proper treatment and do not let it spread until it becomes a dangerous complication, it will be easy to cure. 

    Examples of diseases  

    Dr. Kraiwich Cheunkhwansri, a general practitioner on the Mordee app, gives examples of diseases that cause which are commonly found as follows:

    1. Allergic conjunctivitis – caused by external factors or environments such as pollen, dust, animal hair, which stimulate the body to react allergicly to various parts of the body. If an allergic reaction occurs in the eyes, it may cause conjunctivitis and itchy eyes. 

    In addition to itchy eyes, allergic conjunctivitis also has other symptoms, as follows:

    • Conjunctivitis
    • Swollen eyelids
    • Tears flowing
    • Sticky eye boogers

    2. Itchy eyes from dry eye disease – is a condition where there is insufficient tear supply to the eye surface, which can occur from many causes, such as wearing contact lenses, tear production by the lacrimal glands, or staring at computer screens or smartphones too much. 

    If the from dry eye disease, there are often the following symptoms: 

    • Eye irritation, eye irritation
    • Eye dryness, feeling like there is a foreign object in the eye
    • Red white eyes
    • Photophobia 
    • Occasional blurred vision 

    3. Itchy eyes from styes –   caused by eyelids infected with bacteria, causing inflammation and pustules on the eyelids, or caused by fat in the eyelids becoming blocked and infected. 

    However, styes do not only cause but also have other symptoms, such as:

    • The eyelids are very swollen, with pustules similar to pimples or boils on the eyelids. 
    • I feel pain in my swollen eyelid.
    • Tears flowing
  • Wade through stagnant water, be careful! Leptospirosis, risk of jaundice

    Wade through stagnant water, be careful! Leptospirosis, risk of jaundice

    Wade through stagnant water, be careful! Leptospirosis, risk of jaundice, acute renal failure

    Who said that Leptospirosis is only found in agricultural areas? In fact, it can also found in urban areas. It is cause by wading through flood water, such as roads that are under repair. If we touch dirty water or step on mud contaminate. Which is a germ that comes from the urine of ‘rats’, the carrier of this disease, it will cause.

    Getting to know

    Leptospirosis is caused by a type of bacteria that is found in the urine of rats, dogs, cows, and buffalo. The urine from these carrier animals is often contaminate in soil or stagnant water sources. 

    Be careful, you can get in two main ways: 

    1. Infected through a wound that is soake in water ยูฟ่าเบท or touching soil that is contaminate with germs.
    2. Infected through the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth, such as hands touching a water source that is contaminate. Then accidentally rubbing the eyes with the same hands. This can also lead to infection with Leptospirosis.

    Main symptoms of Leptospirosis

    Each person has a different incubation period. Some people may show symptoms as early as 2 days, while others may take up to 2 weeks to show symptoms. The main symptoms are as follows:

    • Severe headache and muscle aches in the legs and calves.
    • Have a high fever and chills 
    • Nausea, vomiting
    • Some people may experience red eyes or bleeding under the whites of their eyes.

    Complications from Leptospirosis that can be life-threatening

    People with this disease usually have only mild symptoms. But if the symptoms are severe, it can cause dangerous complications, such as:

    • Jaundice, liver failure
    • Acute renal failure
    • Meningitis
    • Pneumonia, pulmonary hemorrhage
    • Other internal organs fail due to bleeding.

    Prevent Leptospirosis

    • Avoid areas with standing water. If you must step into such areas, wear boots. 
    • Wash your hands frequently. Avoid touching your eyes with your hands or rubbing them if your hands are dirty.
    • If there are wounds on the body, try to avoid the wounds coming into contact with water or unclean soil.
  • Eating a lot but losing weight. Is this abnormal?

    Eating a lot but losing weight. Is this abnormal?

    Eating a lot but losing weight. Is this abnormal?

    In addition to the factors mentioned above, sometimes eating a lot but not gaining weight or losing too much weight can also be a sign of disease or some abnormality in the body, such as:

    1. Have parasites

    Parasites are living things that live in your body and will steal the food you eat, which makes you feel hungry more often and no matter how much you eat, you won’t gain weight.

    2. Malnutrition

    Losing weight or creating the wrong eating behavior for yourself by choosing to eat only vegetables and fruits, avoiding starch and meat, not only makes the body not get enough nutrients to use and makes no matter how much you eat, you will not gain weight, but also makes the body weak and weak.

    3. Diabetes

    There are many symptoms of diabetes, but one of them is frequent hunger and increased eating, but with abnormal weight loss. 

    4. Hyperthyroidism

    When your thyroid hormone levels are too high, you may feel hungrier and eat more without gaining weight. It may also lead to insomnia and stomach upset.


    However, eating a lot but not getting fat depends on many factors, both physical, hormonal, and lifestyle. It is not just a sign of a serious disease. Small-sized girls who eat a ยูฟ่าเบท lot but don’t get fat don’t have to be too stressed. However, whether or not eating makes you fat is not as important as how to eat to be healthy. Eating good food, enough for your body each day, and exercising regularly will help you have good health. 

    And don’t forget that building a good figure also depends on eating the right food that is sufficient for the body’s needs, and exercising correctly and appropriately for each individual. 

    Having a personal trainer as your workout assistant will help you design the right workouts, understand your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Have you ever wondered why some people can eat so much and not gain weight?

    Have you ever wondered why some people can eat so much and not gain weight?

    Have you ever wondered why some people can eat so much and not gain weight?

    Are you one of those people who have these questions? Why do we eat and not gain weight? We eat a lot but our weight decreases? Or we can eat all day but still not gain weight?

    In fact, the reasons why some people tend to gain or maintain weight are quite complicated. It involves genetics, behavior, and many other contributing factors, including:

    1. Hormonal factors

    Hunger is controlled by two hormones: leptin and ghrelin, which have different functions. 

    • Leptin  is a hormone that “suppresses appetite” because it sends a signal to the hypothalamus of the brain to let the body know that we are full. 
    • The hormone ghrelin works in the opposite direction, “stimulating appetite” and when leptin is low, ghrelin will work higher, making you feel full after eating. 

    2. Eating behavior

    People who eat slowly and chew slowly สมัคร ufabet tend to “eat food without gaining weight” more than people who chew quickly because chewing slowly increases the time the brain can send signals to the body that it is full.

    3. Sleeping behavior

    People who get enough sleep each night have more balanced hormone levels than people who get less sleep. At the same time, people who get less sleep or are sleep deprived have higher levels of the hormones cortisol and ghrelin, which increase appetite.

    No matter how much you eat, you won’t gain weight. Is your metabolism too good?

    In addition, the ability to eat as much as you want without gaining weight may also be related to the individual metabolic capacity. Some people do not have any health problems, but no matter how much they eat, they do not gain weight.

    Because the various systems in the body work together very well, including the digestive system, the absorption system, the utilization system, and the excretory system. 

    It may also include the daily lifestyle of each person. Some people eat a lot but also use a lot of energy, such as working/active activities or people who exercise regularly.

  • What is the purpose of an internal examination? What must be examined ?

    What is the purpose of an internal examination? What must be examined ?

    What is the purpose of an internal examination? What must be examined ?

    Pelvic organ abnormality screening to screen for diseases and prevent them from spreading to serious diseases. The examination will examine the cervix, vagina, as well as the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. The examination will be performed as follows:

    1. Examination for abnormalities and palpation of external and internal pelvic organs. The doctor will examine and feel the organs to find any abnormalities that may be visible or palpable.
    2. Cervical cancer screening has important screening methods such as: 
      – Pap Smear is a collection of cervical lining cells to examine for cancer or precancerous lesions.
      – HPV DNA Test is an in-depth testing technique to search for HPV virus genetic material before cells develop into cervical cancer.
    3. Other diagnostic tests, in which the doctor will recommend additional tests, such as:
      – Ultrasound of the lower abdomen to find abnormalities in the uterus and ovaries and help check the risk of serious diseases such as ovarian cysts, ovarian tumors, uterine tumors, etc.

    When should women have internal examinations?

    All women should have regular pelvic exams. Women who have never had sexual intercourse are advised to start having pelvic exams at age 30. Women who have ufabet had sexual intercourse can have them right away without having to wait for abnormalities to appear. It is even more important to get a diagnosis as soon as possible if you have these foods:

    • Abnormal vaginal discharge: Discharge that is yellow, green, or has a foul odor
    • Chronic lower abdominal pain Acute lower abdominal pain
    • I felt a lump in my lower abdomen.
    • There are sores, bumps, and lumps in the genital area.
    • Abnormal vaginal bleeding that is not menstrual 
    • There is vaginal bleeding after intercourse.
    • Abnormal stomach tightness, bloating
    • Frequent urination or unusual constipation
    • Unexplained abnormal weight loss

    What are the steps in an internal examination?

    In general, an internal examination will have the following main steps:

    1. Examinees must change into the clothes provided by the clinic.
    2. The examinee should urinate and clean himself/herself thoroughly beforehand.
    3. Once everything is ready, the nurse will help the patient lie on a bed with stirrups.
    4. The doctor will examine the external genitalia for swelling, redness, sores, or abnormalities.
    5. The doctor will examine the inside of the vagina with a speculum inserted into the vaginal opening to dilate the vagina and collect cells from the cervix for cancer screening or to look for other diseases in the laboratory.
    6. The doctor will wear lubricated gloves and insert his fingers into the vagina to feel for internal abnormalities that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
    7. During the procedure, the doctor will feel your abdomen to check the size and position of your uterus, and to check for any lumps, responses, or other abnormalities.
  • Brown Rice Protein Nutrition Facts

    Brown Rice Protein Nutrition Facts

    Brown Rice Protein Nutrition Facts

    Brown rice protein powder is a highly nutritious plant-based protein supplement that offers a range of health benefits. Here are some of the vital nutrition facts about brown rice protein powder:

    Protein Content

    Brown rice protein powder is a rich source of protein, with around 25 grams of protein per 30-gram serving. This makes it an excellent supplement for those who need to increase their daily protein intake, such as athletes or individuals following a plant-based diet.

    Amino Acid Profile:The amino acid profile of brown rice protein powder is considered complete, as it contains all the essential amino acids that are crucial for our body’s functioning and cannot be synthesized naturally. Moreover, this protein source is abundant in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which play a crucial role in facilitating muscle recovery and growth.

    Carbohydrates and Fat

    Brown rice protein powder is a low-carb and low-fat supplement, making it suitable for weight management products or individuals following a low-carb or low-fat diet.

    Vitamins and Minerals powder is a noteworthy source of various vital vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Moreover, it contains a substantial amount of antioxidants. Which aid in safeguarding the body from the damaging effects of oxidative stress and inflammation.

    Gluten-free: powder is a gluten-free supplement. Making it an excellent choice for individuals with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

    Low in Allergens:As a hypoallergenic supplement. powder is devoid of common allergens such as dairy, soy, and eggs, making it a suitable option for people with food allergies or intolerances.

    Benefits of Boiled Rice:

    Department of Agriculture guidelines recommend. That 17% of grain intake for women and 14% for men is useful to fuel day-to-day activities.

    Nutrition Basics: A standard half-cup Boiled Rice contains 104 calories or 5 percent of daily energy. Intake on a 2,000-calorie diet. Its calories come from its carbohydrate content.

    Manganese and Selenium: Boiled rice has manganese and selenium which activate enzymes for good health. Manganese enzymes keep connective tissues strong and help the cells to produce energy. Selenium enzymes promote blood vessel and thyroid gland function. A half-cup Boiled white Rice contains 0.4 milligrams of manganese and 33 micrograms of selenium.

    Iron and Copper: Boiled rice has Iron. Which helps the body to produce red blood cells needed to transport oxygen. And copper which allows making neurotransmitters required for brain function. Each serving of boiled white rice provides 1 milligram of iron and 55 micrograms of copper.