When exposed to strong sunlight, what are some ways to prevent sunburn?

What the signs and symptoms of a sunburn?
Your signs and symptoms may appear while you are under the UV rays. They may also appear a few hours after your exposure. Your symptoms may become worse 12 to 24 hours later. You may have any of the following:
- Red skin
- Pain or a burning feeling
- Swelling, and a feeling of tightness
- Blisters
- Itchiness
- Peeling and flaking
When we are exposed to strong sunlight, we should have proper skin protection methods to protect our skin from UV rays in sunlight. We can do the following:
- Apply sunscreen. Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and a PA+++ or higher. Apply it all over the skin that will be exposed to sunlight.
- Wear clothing that covers your skin, such as https://ufabet999.app long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and a wide-brimmed hat to protect your skin from direct sunlight.
- Wear sunglasses, choosing sunglasses with lenses that can block 100% of UV rays.
- Avoid being in the sun during the hottest hours, especially between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
- Stay in a cool place. If you have to be in the sun for a long time, find a shady place to rest at intervals.
Self-care for sunburn
- Avoid further exposure to sunlight to prevent worsening of sunburn.
- Avoid peeling, picking, or scratching as this can damage the skin and cause infection.
- Take a cool shower or apply a cold compress to reduce the burning sensation and pain.
- Use a moisturizing skin care product, such as aloe vera lotion or gel, to help hydrate your skin and reduce irritation.
- Apply sunscreen regularly, even on sunny days, to protect your skin from UV rays.
- Use products that help restore sunburn, such as moisturizers, creams, or serums that contain aloe vera, vitamin E, or calamine.
- Drink enough water to help hydrate your skin from the inside out and prevent dehydration.
How is a sunburn diagnosed?
Your healthcare provider will ask about your signs and symptoms and examine you. He or she may ask how often and how long you stay under the sun or inside tanning beds. Your provider may also ask if you wear sunscreen or clothing to protect your skin. He or she may ask if anyone in your family sunburns easily or if anyone has a history of skin cancer. Tell your provider if you are taking any medicines, or have any other health conditions.