If you see a blister beetle, don’t touch it! You may get poisoned!

With Thailand’s hot and humid climate, it’s not surprising to find various insects hiding in our homes. Some may not cause any serious harm, while others are poisonous.
In particular, rove beetles, if you accidentally touch them, can cause blisters, similar to herpes or shingles, and leave dark marks on your face for months.
Would like to invite you to learn about this type of insect, along with the correct way to deal with it, with good health information from Dr. Suthida Siripornphanit, a pediatrician specializing in pediatric skin.
What is a rove beetle?
Also known as the rove beetle or rove beetle, it is about 7-8 mm in size. The head and tail are black. The body and abdomen are segmented and orange, with the tail pointing up slightly.
This rove beetle is often found during the rainy season. It likes to fly into people’s houses to catch the light before hiding on the floors of houses and furniture.
Dangers from rove beetles
Normally, this insect does not bite people, but its body contains an acidic poison called “Pederin”, which can be poisoned immediately if touched.
The dangers of the poison “Pederin” from rove beetles
- A rash, blisters, and burning sensation occur 8-12 hours after contact with the poison.
- The rash in the early stages after poisoning looks like a burn, long and with clear borders.
- Within 2-3 days, blisters or pus may develop, similar to herpes or shingles.
- If the poison gets into your eyes, it can cause blindness.
- If you have a severe allergic reaction, you may also experience fever, nausea, vomiting, and headache.
Self-care when stung by a blister beetle
- Immediately wash the affected area with สมัคร ufabet soapy water or saline solution.
- You may also apply a cold compress to the affected area.
- You should see a doctor if you have a severe allergic reaction or if you have severe dark spots. You can take medication to help relieve the symptoms.
How to prevent blister beetles from bothering you
- Close windows and doors tightly and close screens to prevent rove beetles from flying into the light bulbs.
- Clean the house and check the sofa, mattress, and other furniture regularly to make sure there are no rove beetles hiding there.
- If you find this type of insect, do not touch, brush, or crush it. Instead, blow it or use tools such as tissue paper or a broom to shake the insect away. This is the safest method.